creative prompts.

Looking for something to get those creative juices flowing? still life 365 wants not only to share amazing art and writing by parents and families grieving the loss of a child, but also to inspire you to explore your grief through art and writing. Here is a list of some creative prompts featured on still life 365.

Creative Prompt I:
I was thinking of this scene in the Cher movie, Mask, where a character is asked to describe the color blue for someone who was born blind. After I saw that movie, I looked up the word "blue" in the dictionary. It said, "The color of the clear sky," which also doesn't help if you are blind. These days this exercise reminds me of our grief journey. It is hard to describe what this experience is like if you have not lost a child, and yet I so desperately seek to be understood by those I love.

Today's prompt is to draw or craft Grief. Then send it to me for a submission.


Creative Prompt II:
Grief is so self-absorbing. It is about me and my family and what we lost without our daughter here. Me. Me. Me. I sometimes get so sick of me, and so unable to see the rest of the world clearly. This creative prompt is to look in the mirror, proverbial or literal, and not use the pronoun "I" or "me". Describe, draw, search, or craft about the person you see reflected.


Creative Prompt III:
Meditation and sitting still became so painfully difficult after my daughter died. I was constantly repeating the obvious in my mind: Lucy is dead. I tried to silence that mantra, but it would rear up again like a cobra, biting me with shame and guilt about not being able to let that go. So, rather than silence the mantra, why not embrace your inner repetition? Sit for a moment and let your mind drift to the refrain you hear inside of you. Now write your refrain down. Use this line as a jumping off point for a poem or painting and mixed media piece.


What do you think?