This photo was taken the day after I returned home from the hospital after the loss of our second child this summer. I took a shower upon returning home, and the steam revealed the message I had written in soap from the last shower I had taken while still pregnant. I had written the would-be nickname of our son, and a single heart, which appeared on the glass shower wall. The image is now the background on my phone and is a daily reminder of my two lost loves. I've been working up the courage to submit it for months now.
about the artist:
I'm 29 years old, live in Northern Virginia and married my high school sweetheart. Our first son, Daniel, was stillborn after 32 weeks of pregnancy on September 10, 2010. The cause of his death is officially unknown, but is suspected to have been linked to preeclampsia. This summer we lost a second child, also a son, to a second trimester miscarriage after a "low-risk" procedure to rule out problems caused an infection. "A man often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." This entry has been a long time coming. I'm beginning the journey to find myself again. -Claire