my name is angie. i am a mother. simply. after many years of working in a corporate marketing department as a writer, editor and creative coordinator, i decided to stay home with my first daughter beatrice. on winter solstice 2008, my second daughter lucia paz was stillborn at 38 weeks of pregnancy. two months after lucy's death, i began a blog called still life with circles. about the same time, i began exploring my grief through poetry, painting, craft and art. grasping even a few minutes of focus and peace while making a piece of art became a form of meditation and calm. i realize now that I was looking for a language for this grief, a way to express my heartbreak--it took art, writing, poetry, screaming, meditation, prayer, cussing and love to talk about it.
i am the founder and editor of this space, still life 365, which is a project conceived out of the sincere desire to create a safe creative space for grieving parents and family members to explore the different aspects of life after loss. during my pregnancy with my third child, thomas harry, (at about a year since the death of my daughter) i started still life 365 as a way to connect with other grieving artists and parents as well as help us write our grief stories in another language. I published a piece of art or writing every day in the year 2010 and hope to continue for many years to come. sharing my art and creations with other babylost mamas, and conversely seeing their art, helped to explore the different elements of my grief and journey.
my essay, Mothering Grief, appears in a collection of essays about stillbirth called They Were Still Born. my poetry and writing has been published in several on-line and print magazines including mothering magazine, literary mama, exhale and the now defunct in the rearview. still life with circles, my primary blog, deals primarily with mothering and grief. i frequently write about
religion and spirituality there, since i hold a b.a. in religion and like to use it here and
there. in 2010, i, through still life with circles, was recognized as one of the fifty Must Read Mom Blogs by Parenting and BlogHer--and I am very very honored. . i also am a regular contributor and editor for the website glow in the woods i have undertaken the creative every day challenge, art every day month and nanowrimo. i chronicle these project and write about mindful parenting, my art and my daily life at still life everyday.
when i am not writing, maintaining blogs or mothering, i paint and illustrate mizuko jizo and other subjects dealing with babyloss, pregnancy and parenting at my etsy shop the Kenna Twins. i currently reside outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with my husband, children beezus and thor, and jack the dog.