Thursday, October 21, 2010

Untitled, slh



about this piece.
I painted this design in honor of my three miscarriages, and how they are always intertwined within themselves, each other, and my life.. The colors on the points correspond to the colors of the birthstones for the months I lost them. The center color is my own birthstone. -slh

about the artist.
After the stillbirth of her niece, and dealing with her own infertility and subsequent recurrent miscarriages, slh began using various mediums to work through her grief. In slh's own words:
“Painting, drawing, and writing have all helped me so much. Not only by creating myself, but by viewing another person's piece and being able to connect.”

To read more about slh, aka Another Dreamer, and her journey, visit her blog at An Unwanted Path.


What do you think?