Saturday, September 4, 2010

i hold your heart, ANg

i hold your heart.


about this piece.
In Ang's words, "I draw angels, as the day Andrew died I know the angels cried with me, and for some reason that brings me comfort."

about the artist.
Alter My World (screen name) aka Ang began her art journey one year after the death of her newborn son, Andrew Joseph. Her art gives her a voice, whether its her grief expression or her happy times, it gives her a sense of self and the hope of healing. Art at first became a voice of grief and sorrow, through the years it has become so much more than that. It now has periods of laughter and brightness and when she needs to, she arts about loss and grief and sadness.

Her art can be seen here.


  1. This is a touching piece. I love her posture, her tears and how she gently holds the little heart. Even the background looks as if splotched by tears...

  2. Oh Ang... so beautiful...and very can feel the sadness...and the love for the child..hugs to you.


What do you think?