Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ultrasound, Elizabeth Davis.

Elizabeth Davis.


about the piece.
Beth talks about her piece, "I did the ultrasound painting the night before my first ultrasound with my 3rd child.  I was a nervous wreck, so I painted what I wanted to see.  In the corner, I wrote 118, which is what I wanted the heart rate to be: over 100.  My first ultrasound with my second child, who I later miscarried, was only 84, which is way too low.  I grieve so deeply the idea that she never even had a chance.  It's such conflicting emotions:   I couldn't have this 3rd baby if I was still carrying the second.  I want them all.  The next day, the heart rate was 108.  I was close!"
about the contributor.
By night, Elizabeth Davis is a pediatric registered nurse. By day, she is relearning how to breathe after the death of her daughter Kathlyn. Elizabeth maintains the blogs Waiting for Joy and Letters to my Daughter


What do you think?