Friday, June 25, 2010

Manhole Cover, Megan

Manhole Cover
(For Alex)

Part of me
to the core
it covers
all that
the surface
it contains
all the grief
and sorrow
and joy
and loathing
and joy
part of me
to the core
the cover
is all that
you see.

Manhole Cover and Alex's Mandala.
© Megan Warren
19th February 2006
Poem and Photograph.

about the piece.
Megan describes her work, "This piece was written following a prompt at Soul Food Cafe about manhole covers. I read the prompt just after Alex's first birthday/anniversary, it resonated with me and resulted in the image and the poem Manhole Cover. The image was created in photoshop using one of Alex's ultrasound images. My original post can be found here."

about the contributor.
Megan describes herself, "I am the wife to Ken and mother of five: 16 year old Troy and four who are only with us in Spirit - Brendan (Still born 19/4/1999 - 20 weeks gestation); Cianan (stayed with us for us for 7 hours - 6/8/2000 - 22 weeks); Kavyn (Still born 31/1/2002 - 23 weeks); and Alex (Still born 17/2/2005 - 21 weeks and 5 days). Writing and art have helped me to traverse the journey that is grief. I have volunteered as a Peer support counsellor to other bereaved parents and facilitated grief writing workshops that I wrote and designed. I am in the process of developing this into an online workshop so that it is more accessible to those that need it."

Megan blogs at Four Ravens. Her former blog, the Rose Garden, has more of  her poetry and writing.


  1. Four devastating losses. :( I am so sorry. Thankyou for sharing.

  2. What a creative and beautiful way to create a mandala from your son's ultra sound photo.


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