Saturday, May 8, 2010

Thanksgiving, Kim

Oil Pastels.


about the piece.
Kim talks about her piece, "I created this piece shortly before Thanksgiving. I was feeling cheated out of the holiday preparations that were going on all around me and longing for my daughter so that I could show her how to trace her hand and draw turkeys together. I was able to get lost in tracing my own hands over and over again, reaching for her and letting her go."

about the artist.
In 2009, Kim’s 16-month old daughter and only child, Bridget, died from complications related to a genetically inherited kidney disease. Kim participates in a local art therapy program for the bereaved and has discovered art as a way to better understand herself, make peace with her grief, and spend time with her daughter.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful piece for the Mother's Day weekend. Looks like all the hands of the babylost, reaching out to one another in support.


What do you think?