Monday, April 19, 2010

I Dreamed You Once, Angie

I Dreamed You Once, 2010.
Watercolor, Ink.


about the piece.
In Angie's words, "I created this piece as the first page of the traveling journal for still life 365. I had been procrastinating this piece because I just had been so busy, but when I sat down, I remembered these lines that had been floating through my head for days, 'I dreamed you once with purple eyes' and 'love is my center'. My only experience with Lucy alive and interacting with me was a dream I had where she clung to my belly, and looked up at me, smiling, with purple eyes. I cling to the memory of that dream as much as to the time we spent together after her birth." You can read and contribute to the traveling journal in the about the journal section of this blog.

about the contributor.
Angie is the editor of still life 365. Her second daughter Lucia was stillborn after 38 weeks of pregnancy. She writes about her experience with grief  and mothering at still life with circles.


  1. It's beautiful Ang. I can't wait to see it in the journal in person.

  2. Lost for words. Just love this in so many ways.

  3. Beautiful. I love those words "I dreamed you once..." Can't wait to see the journal is person!

  4. Love the words and the colors and the swirls

  5. your artwork always inspires me and touches my soul angie. beautiful!

  6. Very beautiful, it is overflowing off the page with love.

  7. Beautiful. So much love between the two. x

  8. This is so beautiful Angie. I can't wait to see it in person!! xx


What do you think?