Friday, March 26, 2010

Our Daddy's Still Our Daddy, Sophie Smith

Our Daddy's Still Our Daddy
by Sophie Smith

Please remember our daddy is as sad as our mum,
Our daddy may look fine but truth is he feels numb.
When he tells you he's fine thanks, he's telling white lies,
We know cos we see him alone when he cries.

He looks after our mummy and helps her feel right,
drying her tears speaks our names every night.
Henry, Jasper and Evan, we're still our dad's boys,
We just can't fill his house with our chatter and noise.

Our daddy's still our daddy even though we've gone.
Our daddy's still our daddy when life has moved on.
Please remember our daddy's our daddy forever,
Our dad's love won't end, not now and not ever.


about the piece.
In Sophie's words, "I wrote this poem about four months after Jasper died. I felt like my husband Ash was the forgotten griever. I felt inspired to write this poem through the eyes of our boys Henry, Jasper and Evan."

about the contributor.
Sophie Smith describes herself, "2006 was the happiest and the saddest of my life. My husband Ash and I became parents for the first time - to triplets: Henry, Jasper and Evan. However, when our beautiful little boys arrived too soon, Henry at 21 weeks and Evan & Jasper at 24 weeks, our lives changed forever. Our Henry lived for one precious hour in my arms, a brain hemorrhage shortened our Evan’s life to ten days, and brave little Jasper fought on for 58 days before finally joining his brothers in Heaven.

"We now have a fourth son, Owen, who is a happy and healthy 19 month old and brings us a joy we never believed possible."

Sophie maintains a memorial website for her sons at Henry, Jasper and Evan Smith .


  1. Our husbands are indeed the "forgotten grievers". I always ask my husband how he's doing/feeling in hopes that he realizes that I know he's grieving too. I love the poem Sophie!

  2. So important to remember their grief too. So beautiful and caring of you. I'll share this with mine.

  3. Thanks for the reminder - babyloss daddies are too often forgotten. So sorry about all your tragic losses.

  4. Thank you for sharing this. As a Daddy too I relate to much of what you say here. It is very powerful that it is written from the perspective of your boys too.

    I can't imagine losing 3 babies, my heart goes out to you


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