Saturday, January 2, 2010

the candle's out, Elizabeth Davis

the candle's out
by Elizabeth Davis

i heard the rain on the roof
sad and angry
the candle's out
and it is dark

i checked my mailbox

the flowers in the kitchen

the batteries in my daughter's music box

her room smells so clean
like wood and fresh diapers

my heart is heavy
with anger and despair
the candle's out

my mind betrays me
my blood feels septic
my womb, dangerous

if there are angels behind me
weeping with me
maybe their wings are blowing the candles out
so i can't see the light

i like the rain
i like the flowers
i like the music
i love her room

but the candle's out
i can't see
i can only feel
and it hurts

the whispering wind
the smiles of friends
a set of the bluest eyes
i feel kathlyn
warms my heart for a moment

but the candle's out
and it is dark


about the piece
the candle’s out was originally published on Elizabeth’s blog Safe in this House, October 2009.

about the poet.
By night, Elizabeth Davis is a pediatric registered nurse. By day, she is relearning how to breathe after the death of her daughter Kathlyn. Elizabeth maintains the blogs Safe in This House and Letters to my Daughter.


  1. Lovely words.

    Remembering with you.

  2. Wow, this is so powerful and tormenting at the same time. I can feel the grief through the words. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt piece.


  3. What an incredibly powerful poem. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  4. What amazing words. Thank you for sharing.

  5. A very powerful poem, It is very moving and it really speaks to me.

    Thank you


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