Thursday, October 20, 2011

Empty Crib, Abi

Our son Corbin was born still at 41 weeks in January of 2011 after a completely uneventful pregnancy. We took his crib down in September, and it sits in the garage, behind his brother's easel. The connection between creation and life and it's absence is so clear in the moments when I sit on the steps and watch Corbin's big brother draw and color next to his brother's empty crib.

Abi Crouch

A heart to hold

Abi Crouch has an impressively large set of skills made irrelevant by technology from the 20th century. Driven by art and writing, she has become a horrible house keeper, a fabulous quilt maker, a loving and (mostly) attentive wife and a mama with her heart on fire for her two boys; Wills, who is three and Corbin who was born still at 41 weeks in January of 2011. Most of Abi's spare time is wrapped up in building A Heart to Hold. You can learn more here; a Heart To Hold or find us on facebook at a Heart to Hold on Facebook

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