Sunday, November 28, 2010

Found Heart I, Megan

Found Heart.


about this piece.
I look for hearts wherever I go, these hearts have been found around my home or on walks in our town. To some they may be a scrap of fabric, a piece of wood, a leaf or a shadow - to me they are hearts - a symbol of love. -Megan

about the artist.
Megan describes herself, "I am the wife to Ken and mother of five: 17 year old Troy and four who are only with us in Spirit - Brendan (Still born 19/4/1999 - 20 weeks gestation); Cianan (stayed with us for us for 7 hours - 6/8/2000 - 22 weeks); Kavyn (Still born 31/1/2002 - 23 weeks); and Alex (Still born 17/2/2005 - 21 weeks and 5 days). Writing and art have helped me to traverse the journey that is grief.

Megan blogs at Four Ravens. Her former blog, the Rose Garden, has more of her poetry and writing.


  1. That is so sweet! And I do the same thing but it tends to be with leaves with some kind of heart pattern in/ on them. Such a surprise and rush of love when little hearts appear! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Megan I find your act positive and inspirational. I am jolted out of self pity when I read of your maternal journey and see you doing such productively helpful actions such as looking for love. I draw from your great ideas.

  3. Thank you for your kind comments. Amy - I'm still looking for a heart shaped rock to appear. Janice - I wish I could say that I wasn't full of self-pity at times, but I am glad that it inspires you xxxx

  4. Megan, this is an amazing photograph and strikingly beautiful in its simplicity. You have a good eye to catch something like this. I wonder how many of us would step over such a thing without ever noticing.


What do you think?