Sunday, June 6, 2010

Creative Prompt I: Response from Rachel.

I was thinking of this scene in the Cher movie, Mask, where a character is asked to describe the color blue for someone who was born blind. After I saw that movie, I looked up the word "blue" in the dictionary. It said, "The color of the clear sky," which also doesn't help if you are blind. These days this exercise reminds me of our grief journey. It is hard to describe what this experience is like if you have not lost a child, and yet I so desperately seek to be understood by those I love.

Creative Prompt I is to draw or craft Grief.


Watercolor and ink.


  1. These are both amazing, and so spot on.

  2. just posted my response:

    feel free to pick up to embed from youtube if you'd rather:

  3. This is exactly where i am at this very moment. Seeing it has helped me somehow... Thank you <3


What do you think?