Saturday, May 29, 2010

Charcoal Angel, Christine

Charcoal Angel.


about this piece.
Christine talks about her piece, "I have been using different art mediums to explore my grief journey. My son was carving burnt wood and his hands were blackened. I decided to blacken my hands and just feel the paper. The charcoal angel came to be. I then scanned the print and digitized it and put a mirrored frame around it."

about the contributor.
Christine started this journey June 3, 2001, when her daughter, Nora Elizabeth, was stillborn at 37 weeks. She was beautiful with black hair. Christine has used art therapy throughout the years to move with her stages of grief. Christine enjoys experimenting with many different mediums, including photography, watercolor, scrapbooking, and charcoal. Christine currently lives in Iowa with her husband, her children Corey and Abby , her dog Ellie and her three chickens. She shares her life lessons in her blog, Contemplations from the Cornfields.

1 comment:

  1. It's a beautiful way for this piece to have come about...from the charcoal on your hands. Thank you for sharing it.


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